
Clips per second
Clips per second

clips per second clips per second clips per second

  • Use a gaming mouse instead of a regular one.
  • Try to improve the mouse sensitivity in the computer settings.
  • A higher CPS rate indicates a better result, and.
  • Use different mouse click techniques such as jitter click or butterfly click. This is your click rate, which shows how fast you are at clicking a mouse.
  • To improve your click rate per second of time, try the following guidelines: If you make more than 10 clicks per second, then you are faster than most players. A good result is 5 to 10 clicks per second. If you are doing less than 5 clicks per second, then this is the speed of the turtle. We use our own rating to calculate your test score. We provide users with plenty of variations. Gaming addicts can amplify their clicking stamina and boost their gaming skills using CPS test tool. Taking up the test assists users in accomplishing maximum mouse clicks in a bounded time.


    foster gentle competition View the clicks per second (CPS) and clicks per. Click speed test is an online free AI-based tool accessible to all the users to calculate their clicking speed. Share your results on social networks and invite your friends to take part in this fun game! How many clicks per second is fast? CPS Test 60 Seconds 10 You can increase the clicks per second by clicking. At the end of the test, you can find out your result and compare it with other players. The average rate of fire for a semi-automatic rifle is roughly 120 rounds per minute, depending on the shooter and reload time. Fully automatic weapons are also essentially banned already, even if they are homemade. To start the test, you just need to click in the test area and make the maximum number of clicks in the allotted time, it can be a test for 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 or 100 seconds. Still, a rate of fire of 60 rounds per second - or 3,600 rounds per minute - is unlikely with a 'homemade' rifle. CPS Test is an online game where you need to make the maximum number of clicks per second of time.

    Clips per second